gulpfile.js 4.33 KB
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"use strict";
let gulp = require("gulp");
let sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps");
let typescript = require("gulp-typescript");
let nodemon = require("gulp-nodemon");
let tslint = require("gulp-tslint");
let rimraf = require("rimraf");
let typedoc = require("gulp-typedoc");
let mocha = require("gulp-mocha");
let istanbul = require("gulp-istanbul");
let plumber = require("gulp-plumber");
let remapIstanbul = require("remap-istanbul/lib/gulpRemapIstanbul");

const CLEAN_BUILD = "clean:build";
const CLEAN_COVERAGE = "clean:coverage";
const CLEAN_DOC = "clean:doc";
const TSLINT = "tslint";
const COMPILE_TYPESCRIPT = "compile:typescript";
const COPY_STATIC_FILES = "copy:static";
const BUILD = "build";
const GENERATE_DOC = "generate:doc";
const PRETEST = "pretest";
const RUN_TESTS = "run:tests";
const TEST = "test";
const REMAP_COVERAGE = "remap:coverage";

const TS_SRC_GLOB = "./src/**/*.ts";
const TS_TEST_GLOB = "./test/**/*.ts";
const JS_TEST_GLOB = "./build/**/*.js";
const JS_SRC_GLOB = "./build/**/*.js";
const TS_GLOB = [TS_SRC_GLOB];
const STATIC_FILES = ['./src/**/*.json']

const tsProject = typescript.createProject("tsconfig.json");

// Removes the ./build directory with all its content.
gulp.task(CLEAN_BUILD, function (callback) {
  rimraf("./build", callback);

// Removes the ./coverage directory with all its content.
gulp.task(CLEAN_COVERAGE, function (callback) {
  rimraf("./coverage", callback);

// Removes the ./docs directory with all its content.
gulp.task(CLEAN_DOC, function (callback) {
  rimraf("./docs", callback);

// Checks all *.ts-files if they are conform to the rules specified in tslint.json.
gulp.task(TSLINT, function () {
  return gulp.src(TS_GLOB)
    .pipe(tslint({ formatter: "verbose" }))
      // set this to true, if you want the build process to fail on tslint errors.
      emitError: false

// Compiles all *.ts-files to *.js-files.
gulp.task(COPY_STATIC_FILES, function () {
  return gulp.src(STATIC_FILES)

gulp.task(COMPILE_TYPESCRIPT, function () {
  return gulp.src(TS_GLOB)
    .pipe(sourcemaps.write(".", { sourceRoot: "../src" }))

// Runs all required steps for the build in sequence.

// Generates a documentation based on the code comments in the *.ts files.
gulp.task(GENERATE_DOC, gulp.series(CLEAN_DOC, function () {
  return gulp.src(TS_SRC_GLOB)
      out: "docs",
      target: "es5",
      name: "Express + Sequelize",
      module: "commonjs",
      readme: "",
      includeDeclarations: true,
      version: true

// Sets up the istanbul coverage
gulp.task(PRETEST, function () {
  return gulp.src(JS_SRC_GLOB)
    .pipe(sourcemaps.init({ loadMaps: true }))
    .pipe(istanbul({ includeUntested: true }))

// Run the tests via mocha and generate a istanbul json report.
gulp.task(RUN_TESTS, function (callback) {
  let mochaError;
    .pipe(mocha({ reporter: "spec" }))
    .on("error", function (err) {
      mochaError = err;
      reporters: ["json"]
    .on("end", function () {

// Remap Coverage to *.ts-files and generate html, text and json summary
gulp.task(REMAP_COVERAGE, function () {
  return gulp.src("./coverage/coverage-final.json")
      // basePath: ".",
      fail: true,
      reports: {
        "html": "./coverage",
        "json": "./coverage",
        "text-summary": null,
        "lcovonly": "./coverage/"
    .on("end", function () {
      console.log("--> For a more detailed report, check the ./coverage directory <--")

// Runs all required steps for testing in sequence.

// Runs the build task and starts the server every time changes are detected.
gulp.task("watch", gulp.series(BUILD, function () {
  return nodemon({
    ext: "ts json",
    script: "build/server.js",
    watch: ["src/*", "test/*"],
    legacyWatch: true,
    tasks: [BUILD]